I saw the game that Activision shoved onto consoles via trailers and Let's Plays, and to be honest I have never again seen such an abysmal pile of crap. It seemed like such a wasted opportunity considering the movie was about video games, but all hope was not lost because in a surprising turn of events the mobile game proves to be the better offering.
The Wreck It Ralph game is actually made up of five titles based on various scenes in the movie and they're all great fun to play, but I'm going to focus on Fix It Felix Jr as this is clearly the centerpiece of the bundle.
Fix It Felix Jr. manages to not only capture the spirit of the movie but also of 1980's arcade games. It's simple, addictive and fun. Your job is to navigate Felix around an apartment building and repair whatever Ralph destroys. The further you progress the more difficult the game becomes with additional obstacles like birds, flower boxes and shutters being thrown into the mix. There is only one power-up in the form of a pie that will grant Felix invincibility for a few seconds, which can be invaluable during later levels.
The gameplay is accompanied by a charming 8-bit soundtrack, along with some great sound effects, and you even get treated to cutscenes of Ralph being thrown from the building into the mud below. I play the game on an iPhone 4 and the controls are very responsive and they don't clutter up the screen too much.
Fix It Felix Jr. is a brilliant mobile-game and proof that movie tie-in games don't always end up being terrible. I certainly hope we haven't seen the last of Felix and Ralph, here's hoping there'll be a worthwhile sequel before too long. ^_^
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