Well, this one snuck by me. The classic sci-fi sitcom Red Dwarf celebrated its 27th anniversary on 15th Feb 2015. The show follows the exploits of the hologram, Rimmer, the creature known as Cat, and Lister, the last human being alive (with the mechanoid Kryten joining the show full-time from series 3).
The popular show has ran for ten series and has a massive cult following, and there may be an eleventh series airing on Dave in Autumn 2015. YAY!
The show cropped up during my 100 Happy Gaming Days feature thanks to some great gaming related episodes, but here's 3 episodes guaranteed to make your smegging day.
1. Polymorph- A shape-shifting monster that feasts on human emotions is loose aboard Red Dwarf. The Dwarfer's have two choices; one take it on and kill it, or two... run away. Who's for two?
Best bit: The scene involving Lister's underwear is probably the most popular, but I like the scene with the crew trying to decide how to defeat the Polymorph. Each character has been drained of an emotion; turning Rimmer into pacifist and Lister into fearless lunatic, it's great.
2. Stoke Me A Clipper- Ace Rimmer returns to try and convince his cowardly counterpart to take up the role of the hero, and simply be brave, handsome and all-round magnificent. But is Rimmer up to the task?
Best bit- The brilliant opening scene with Ace Rimmer sky-diving on a crocodile and then causing chaos at Nazi army camp while riding a motorbike, all to save Princess Beryl.
3. Meltdown- When Kryten discovers a transporter allowing the crew to quickly travel through space, they land on a mysterious planet inhabited by dictators, dinosaurs and celebrities. It turns out the planet is a theme park that's been abandoned for millions for years, and now there's an epic war between the forces of good and evil. The evil side has the leaders of the Third Reich, and the good side has Marilyn Monroe and Elvis.
Best bit- Any scene with Elvis, but also the scene where Lister witnesses the execution of Winnie the Pooh.